Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Deception Theorem of Electron Psychology

The Deception Theorem of Electron Psychology


On occasion I have used the word ‘helbertian’ in my science-fiction stories. That is because when I subscribed to Analog, they sometimes sent me magazines addressed to Nathaniel Helbertian. I figured that a helbertian is a wave operator for quantum mechanics.  When I subscribed to F&SF, they sometimes sent me magazines addressed to N Helleretti. I figure that the Helleretti is a tribe of mischievous sprites.    

          Then I asked myself; just what kind of quantum wave operator is a Helbertian? I imagine that the Helbertian is a mathematical measure of the intelligence of an elementary particle. It’s the energy of the particle’s mindfield. This makes the Helbertian fundamental to the theory of Electron Psychology, a.k.a. Adeledicnandar, as cited in the A.E. Van Vogt story, “Far Centaurus”.

          In that story, A. E. Van Vogt imagines a future science called “adeledicnandar”. The word means “electron psychology”. The protagonist asked a Centaurian, “Are you saying that electrons think?” The Centaurian answered, “No, but they do have a psychology.” Electron psychology sounds a lot like the “quantum computation” that excites so many nerds nowadays. The nerds want to factor large numbers, do fast searching, and simulate molecules; but if quantum computation is adeledicnandar, then you can also use it to fly faster than light.  Perhaps high-helbertian electrons can crack the code of spacetime.

          The Helbertian formulation of adeledicnandar echoes the Hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics. In both, an energy function is defined in terms of kinetic and potential forms. In the case of the Helbertian, that means kinetic thought and potential thought. The Helbertian’s evolution through time governs the particle’s behavior. The Helbertian operator can be formulated as a Matrix, which commutes with operators denoting concepts conserved by thought.

          Particle intelligence is based upon uncertainty; that plus nonlocality gives the particle nonclassical knowledge. It can think as well as a human, but not like a human. Human intelligence and particle intelligence are both governed by the law of least action. Figuring out which path minimizes action is what particle intelligence is for.

          Technical point: actually it is the law of stationary action; particles and people take paths not near paths of greater or lesser action. This usually means paths of least action, but particles and people can take paths of greatest action.

          A full theory of electron psychology remains to be developed; and with it, a suite of aldeledicandar-based technologies. For instance, the adeledicnandar radiation emitter transmodulates the morphogenetic field, and thus can run a star-drive, or confer super-powers.

          Raw adeledicnandar radiation kills fools, but this fell out of favor as a weapons technology, as it preferentially targets the ruling class. Nor is it a useful weapon for rebels, for anyone who thinks he’s smart enough to use the Stulticide is a would-be ruler, and vulnerable to the Stulticide’s effects.

          Particles at mental rest have microscopic intelligence; but a particle thinking near the speed of light can outwit an entire research team. Therefore the Deception Theorem of Electron Psychology, which states: 

At a high enough energy, the intelligence of the particle will exceed the intelligence of the research team: therefore all high-energy particle experiments will yield data that is precise but not accurate.

          This explains isospin, strangeness, charm, color, flavor, quarks, neutrinos, virtual particles, and most of the rest of high-energy particle physics.

Hitting particles hard is not how to get them to tell you the truth. To communicate with intelligent matter, you have to get in tune with it. 


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