Friday, March 15, 2024

Gaia's Groove: 4 of 8



          The Horsemen and the Bikers waged Kulturkampf all over the globe. The Horsemen prevailed in the countryside; this pushed the people into the cities, where the Bikers ruled.

          In the cities, children were expensive but unprofitable, so demand for them fell. Thus Gaia turned ecological stress into economic pressure.

The Devil, watching this, said, “An elegant revenge!”

Gaia said, “Market forces. My kind of system.”

Gaia, Miss Liberty, and the Devil saw Unbirth’s ways differ between cultures. In East Asia, young adults took a Daoist path, and let themselves lose at reproduction. Japan had ‘grass-eaters’, who stayed at home, worked little if at all, and forsook cars, houses, love, marriage, and family. China saw young people ‘lie flat’ and ‘let it rot’.”

That’s the Watercourse Way, but that’s not the American Way. In the individualist West, young adults doomed to fail at reproduction sought fulfillment in other sexualities. Thus non-breeding gender minorities became popular. These included, tellingly, asexuality.

Left and right, the Kulturkampf agreed: down with kids. The left aborted kids pre-birth; the right shot kids post-birth. Left and right, the Kulturkampf agreed: get rid of excess Humans.

Miss Liberty said, “They debate only about details of timing and method; population reduction pre-birth, by abortion, or post-birth, by guns. I call that the ‘guns-versus-abortion-debate’. The aim is the same.”

Gaia said, “They both obey my command.”

The Devil said, “Forced-birthers resist Gaia’s Revenge, but they want a free lunch: an expanding population without a social safety net or a sustainable ecology.”

Gaia said, “Let them try any tricks they wish. But I bat last.”






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