Monday, October 2, 2023

Physically Impossible Advice

             Physically Impossible Advice


         The phrase “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” annoys me. It’s physically impossible, because of the law of conservation of momentum. What’s worse, that stupid meme started out as a joke. How arrogant and disrespectful, for the rich to offer, in jest, a physical impossibility as advice to the poor!

I am also annoyed by the demand to “turn back the clock”: another physical impossibility, due to the second law of thermodynamics. Time is one-way! The moment the clock hits 12:01 pm, then the only way back to noon is through evening, midnight, and morning.

And as for “the magic of the marketplace”; its main magic trick is to make your money... disappear.

Those who offer physical impossibilities as advice should show the rest of us how, by doing something anatomically impossible!

If you know other physically impossibilities offered as fake advice, then please let me know. I would like to weave as many of them as possible into a single absurd sentence, just to see the result. Here goes:

May the magic of the marketplace summon the invisible hand to turn the clock back to when you could pull yourself up by your own bootstraps!



1 comment:

  1. "Everyone is doing it" where they can't list the people (and even if they can) is just going to be wrong in the same absurd way as those physically impossible things

    where everyone isn't the only word
    Everyone|NoOne|EveryBody|NoBody does|is|.. the thing.

    once you have a large enough population, sometimes as little as two, you will have differences in opinion|stat|preference|ability.
