Thursday, November 24, 2011

Underfables: Martyr’s Redemption

Martyr’s Redemption

          Once upon a time the holy Martyr of the People’s Revolution chanced to glance down upon Earth. Heaven’s air was clear and his visions were true; so he saw, to his amazement, that his radical sacrifices did not, in fact, serve the Cause; nor did the Party that he founded.

          The holy Martyr of the People’s Revolution witnessed his Party’s rule. He saw how the poor, the weak, women and dissidents actually lived; and over and over he cried “No!”

          Meanwhile, down upon Earth, the poor, the weak, women and dissidents looked to each other, talked with each other, and made plans.

          The disillusioned Martyr wept; yet down upon Earth came the Second Revolution.

            Moral:  The truth will set you free, but first it’ll hurt.

         Commentary on the Underfable:
         Is this about religion or politics? Answer: yes.

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