Friday, October 9, 2020

In Person Voting

 De Tocqueville compared election season to a fever that rises, then breaks with the election. My complaint with EC/popular split elections - now the GOP's default presidential election strategy - is that they do not break the fever completely.

I don't mind the regularly scheduled craziness. Timothy Leary said that politics is best done on all fours. Elections are a Human political equivalent of Vulcan Pon-Farr.

There is a way to break the fever early; vote early. That's what I did, by in-person voting, yesterday at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. I drove there, parked in the garage, and delivered my ballot to the workers there. They assured me that the ballot will be counted 'by tomorrow', which is now today. I pumped my fists in the air and hissed, "Yesss!" I returned to my car and paid $6 parking, which is a kind of poll tax but worth every penny, for the sense of relief. When I got home I found electioneering pamphlets in the mail. I threw these straight into recycling. Been there, done that, gave at the office. Blessed release!

I think that early in-person voting is the way to go. That's how I plan to vote from now on, if after this election we are allowed to vote.

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