Monday, August 23, 2021

Trilemmas Define Syllogistics, 0 of 11


Trilemmas Define Syllogistics



By Nathaniel Hellerstein



Trilemmas Define Syllogistics


          By Nathaniel Hellerstein

          October 2019



          Table of Contents:


0.    Introduction                                         3

1.    Trilemma, Troika, and Triad              4     

2.    Various Trilemmas                              7     

3.    Inevitability of Trilemmas                  13    

4.    Spoofing Classical Logic                    16    

5.    Trilemma Deduction                           26    

6.    Anti-Sorites                                          32

7.    Loopless Loop Trilemmas                  38    

8.    Arrow’s Trilemma                               43

9.    NP-complete Trilemmas                     46    

10.           Exercises for the Student               49    

11.           Bibliography                                   61








This essay is about Trilemmas, which are trios of statements, any two of which can be true but not all three. Therefore any two imply the negation of the third. That is a deductive system, here explored.

No doubt the reader will notice a Carrollian quality in many of the trilemmas listed here. You will find the Mad Hatter, and the Cheshire Cat, and Alice; these are my tributes to Lewis Carroll, master of logical nonsense. I also include angels, and aliens, and dragons, and cats, and bats, and Batman, and ghosts, and frog princes; and behind all of them, you will find none other than the Three Stooges; Moe, Larry, and Curly, whose endless quarrels yield all of this essay’s trilemmas.

Why the absurdism? For two reasons:

Because trilemmas are absurd, so they naturally provoke laughter. Each of these trilemmas has the formal structure of a joke; setup, development, punchline. Trilemmas are mathematical jests.

And also, to lighten presentation. To quote one of the trilemmas in the “Exercises” section:

This essay is about advanced Logic;

Any essay about advanced Logic will put you straight to sleep;

This essay will not put you straight to sleep.


          I hope that this essay satisfies clause 3.

Fastest mastery of this material will be gotten by reading section 1, for the rules of the game, then working out all of the examples in section 10, where most of the jokes are.

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