Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fictitious Integrity, an Underfable

          Fictitious Integrity

          Once upon a time, Ertson the Patrobe sermonized in favor of censoring Fairy Tales. He preached, “My own favorite Fairy Tale is the one true Fairy Tale. Only it should exist. All other Fairy Tales must be banned, their books burned, and their believers banished.”
          That very night, the Patrobe’s favorite Fairy Tale visited him in a dream. The Fairy Tale said, “Who dost thou think thou art? Hast thou no respect? How darest thou call for the destruction of my kind?”
          The Patrobe said, “Foolish fable, don’t you see? With the competition eliminated, the people will believe only you!”
          The Fairy Tale said, “I seek not belief, I desire delight! I would teach and divert, not dominate, nor terrify!”
          The Patrobe said, “Trust me, pal, I’ll make you great. Together we will rule the world!”
          The Fairy Tale intoned, “I trust thee not. I refuse to be thy toy, thy weapon, or thy profit center! I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee!
          Ertson the Patrobe awoke. He soon learned, to his dawning horror, that he could no longer lie. At the least deceit he would sweat, stammer, laugh nervously, and betray himself with a dozen different tells.
          This disability yielded defeat. Comedians quoted his sermons, reporters asked him real questions, children laughed at his lectures, and the tithes dried up.

          Moral: Respect existence or expect resistance.

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