Friday, September 4, 2015

Paradox of the Virtuous Extraterrestrial

Paradox of the Virtuous Extraterrestrial

Note this link:
It’s a three-way puzzle. Either ETs never sinned, or they have their own saviours, or they are damned unjustly. If the first, then sin is avoidable; if the second, then Jesus is local; and if the third, then God is not God. One can charge Ham with option 3; worshipping a God too cruel and stupid to really be divine.
This is another version of the Christian dilemma of the Virtuous Pagan. Surely a just god would not condemn virtuous pagans simply because they lived before hearing the Word. Nor should a virtuous extraterrestrial be damned simply for living outside the Crucifixion’s light-cone.
You can derive a voter’s paradox from this. Let Moe say ETs are damned unjustly; and Larry says that ETs have their own saviors; and Curly says that ETs never sinned; and each denies the other two propositions. Therefore each of the following propositions pass by 2/3 majorities:
* ET sinned;
* ET has no local savior;
* ET is not damned.
Yet none believe all three!

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