Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Autotheism, an Underfable


          Once upon a time Ertson the Patrobe thought to himself, “The Gostack distims the Doshes. And surely God agrees that this is true.” Later he changed his mind, and he thought to himself, “Surely God has changed His mind, as I have, and now agrees that it is the Doshes that distim the Gostack.”
          God saw these thoughts. God also saw that the part of Ertson’s brain that Ertson used to contemplate God’s thoughts was the same part of his brain that Ertson used to contemplate Ertson’s thoughts.
God also knew that there is no Gostack, nor any Doshes, nor any such act as distimming.
          Ertson then thought to himself, “Other people agree with me, too.” And God saw that the part of his brain that Ertson used to contemplate the thoughts of other people was not the same part of his brain that Ertson used to contemplate the thoughts of God, or of himself.
          Ertson thought to himself, “God is my moral compass. God points which way to go.”
          An Angel fluttering nearby snarked, “Or You, to him, are his moral inertial guidance, pointing which way he’s going already.”

          Moral: Everybody who’s right agrees with me.

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