Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Silence of the Students

The Silence of the Students


Gaza is not the only atrocious war now raging. Why is there no high-minded student protest against the ongoing genocide against the Rohingya? Or in Darfur? Estimates: 13,700 to 40,000 for the first; 98,000 to 500,000 for the second.

          The Rohingya are Muslims. Is Islamophobia involved in the silence of the students? Darfur is in Africa, hence its inhabitants are dark-skinned. So is racism involved in the silence of the students?

          My least inflammatory diagnosis is that humans tend to be indifferent to atrocities committed upon small distant groups without money. My critique is of the species.

1 comment:

  1. Or is it a part of anti-Semitism being stoked up, to prepare a scape goat for the changes yet to come, as has been suggested elsewhere.
    Most Palestines are Muslim, so clearly not Islamophobia. More likely for some other gain along the way.
