Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Results of Informal Survey

       Results of Informal Survey
          Re: Student attention to syllabus items
          Conducted at the College of San Mateo
          Sample: about a dozen students, chosen at random

          Note the last four lines.

          Q: Excuse me, do you have a minute to answer some questions?
          A: Yes. (None refused; all had nothing else to do just then, bless their hearts!)
          Q: When the semester began, did the professor give you a syllabus?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did the syllabus have the course’s name? Meeting place? Meeting times?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did the syllabus have the professor’s name? Office hours? Contact information?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did the syllabus have tutoring center location and hours?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did the syllabus have the course’s grading system?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did the syllabus list the course’s topics?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did you read the entire syllabus?
          A: Yes / Most of it / Some of it / I skimmed it. (Much variation, qualification and evasion.)
          Q: Did you read everything on the syllabus that mattered to you?
          A: Yes. (100%)
          Q: Did you read the SLO?
          A: The what? (100%)

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