Thursday, March 14, 2024

Gaia's Groove: 3 of 8

The Five Bikers


The clouds parted, a beam of sunlight shone through, and Miss Liberty floated down from the sky. She landed, she curtsied to Gaia, and she said, “My turn, sister!”

Gaia said, “Can you reduce their numbers?”

Libby smiled. “Let’s find out!”

The goddess of Freedom sent forth spirit warriors. These Bikers rode all over the Earth, quietly preventing Human lives.

These were Miss Liberty’s Five Bikers:

Pornography on a pink motorcycle;

Contraception on a blue motorcycle;

Abortion on a black motorcycle;

Alt-Gender on a rainbow motorcycle;

and Expense on a green motorcycle.

Their master, Unbirth, followed them on a silver motorcycle.

The Bikers rode under a banner bearing this motto:


These metaphysical marauders did not kill; they cancelled out. They erased. Their victims did not die because they were never even born. A Biker’s prey ceased ever to have been. Millions vanished, but nobody ever noticed. It was an eerie struggle, a ghostly battle with the unborn. The Five Bikers did not kill; they annihilated.

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