Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Logistics Decide

     Logistics Decide


Legend states that there is a war between good and evil. Standard military doctrine teaches that wars are decided by at least these three factors: tactics, strategy, and logistics. Evil always has a tactical advantage, for it can break norms without consequence; and good always has a strategic advantage, for its norms are for the good of all. Therefore the fight is decided by logistics; that is, reason. The better-planned of good and evil will win.

In this case, Trump is a felon, but fortunately he is also a fool. He will do his worst. Let us do our best.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Love Song of the Pronouns

        Love Song of the Pronouns

            After Lewis Carroll
It told them she had been to her
to praise himself to him;
he gave her a good character
as friend and synonym.
Does she love him? Does he love her?
Do those know whom to please?
Which when and where does how prefer?
Whose what and why are these?
He gave her one, she gave him two
we gave them three and more;
from us to ours, returning true
though each was theirs before.
If she and he should chance to be
inclined that we recur
they trust that this and that are free
to love them as we were.
Our notion was that one become
(had she or he the wits)
a bridge from none, through few and some
to anyone and its.
In love with him and her are we
but when they come to call
far more than us, far more than me
I love you most of all.

Friday, July 26, 2024

When Opposites Unite

          When Opposites Unite

          To the tune of “Ballad of Inverness” or “Three Drunken Maidens”



Now, four-and-twenty opposites, they went to Inverness

And when it all was over, there were four-and-twenty less.



Have a ball with your partner when you’re up against the wall

The night was made to make it if you wanna be made at all.


Position and momentum, they would fill you full of doubt

When the one was concentrated, then the other one spread out


The questions and the answers, would their follies ever end?

For every time an answer came, a question rose again.




Now space and time were very fine, they truly made the night

For their fixin’ turned to mixin’ when they reached the speed of light


The local and the global, you could see them here and there

Right here they’re interacting, ‘cause the here is everywhere




Creation and destruction, they will satisfy your yen

If you haven’t made perfection, then you’d better start again


Now, true and false could really waltz, they sure were in the groove

You really don’t know dancing if you haven’t seen them move




Reality and fantasy were truly hot to trot

We tried to separate them, but we knew that we could not


Oh, yes and no were on the go, they sparkled like a gem

Their search was not exhaustive, but it sure exhausted them.




A toast to self and other, for they had the greatest fun

They dove into each other and they merged right into one.


Now, life and death will catch your breath, so don’t be so upset

If you think the show is nothing, then you ain’t seen nothing yet.




Oh, now the song is over, yet it’s also just begun;

If you can solve the riddle, even you can join the fun!




Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Mad Scientist’s Daughter

The Mad Scientist’s Daughter

            To a traditional tune



Hush, little baby, button your lip

Papa’s gonna launch you a rocket ship;

And if that rocket ship blows up

Papa’s gonna hatch you a Martian pup;

And if that Martian pup should bite

Papa’s gonna sky you a satellite;

And if that satellite won’t beep

Papa’s gonna clone you a mutant sheep;

And if that mutant’s got no face

Papa’s gonna fly you to cyberspace;

And if that cyberspace gets hacked

Papa’s gonna twist you a tesseract;

And if that tesseract falls flat

Papa’s gonna breed you a supercat;

And if that supercat won’t talk

Papa’s gonna forge you a robot doc;

And if that robot doc’s got bugs

Papa’s gonna mix you some wonder drugs;

And if that mixture turns you green

Papa’s gonna wind you a time machine;

And if that time machine should trip

Papa’s gonna launch you a rocket ship!