Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The very model of a Bronze Age despot deity

The very model of a Bronze Age despot deity

          To the tune of “A Modern Major-General”



He is the very model of a Bronze Age despot deity

With imprecations animal and rock and plant and air, you see

He is the king of kings and he provokes some fights historical

From Jericho to Meggido, by methods categorical;

He’s very well acquainted, too, with matters theological,

He understands poetics, both the sane and the illogical,

About how to be ethical he says you’ve got a lot to see,

(lot to see, lot to see, lot to see..? Aha!)

With many cheerful facts about the uses of hypocrisy.

He’s very good at unifying and divisive politics

He knows the thaumateurgic names of angels and their little tricks;

In short in matters animal and rock and plant and air, you see

He is the very model of a Bronze Age despot deity.




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